Dropping Mai off at the airport for one of her many excursions.
Exploring Boggy Creek Farm
and wanting SO bad to crash their farm dinner.
Fortunately, the kind parking lot keeper let us walk around and explore after a spontaneous decision to check out the farm.
Swinging outside my nephew's work. Mai refused to get on so she took a picture of me instead. I took a picture of her with Storm Troopers at the book fair later, only I don't have that photo on my camera!
Texas Book Fair!
Frozen hot chocolates after Torchy's. Yum!
I look like I'm about to hurt you.
Mai's so cute! She makes me laugh.
Love that I can hang out with her with no makeup and feel every bit as confident, fun, and care free as I do when I wear makeup.
Yay! Somebody else took a picture for us. Favorite food truck, ever, Regal Ravioli! Love the chef in the background.
Beet ravioli from Regal Raviol. OH MY GOODNESS. YUM.
Trying to take our own photo before one of the guys at Regal Ravioli kindly offered to take it instead. The take out dish is Mai's stand in for me. She cracks me up.
Our not so succesful self-portrait.
Trailer Perk day when it was still hot.
Man, this photo reminds me of why I love summers in Austin, especially summer days with Mai!!
I love her!