Wednesday, June 20, 2012

And the winner is . . .

*drumroll please*

Teagan of Teagan in the T.Dot.O!! Even though the T.Dot.O. is obviously a Canadian blog, she fortunately also has a US address. Teagan happens to be one of my real life friends, and I am so excited for her to win this gift card! Of course, there were a few other real life friends and lots of blog friends that definitely deserved to win.

Although she is much more gorgeous than the blonde in this photo, this dress totally reminds me of a dress Teagan would wear and look smoking in, like she does in everything.

Teagan, I already have your address, so your gift card will be on it's way.

While I have your attention, I noticed a phenomenon with this being my first giveaway. There is such a thing as blog giveaway spammers. People who troll blogs looking for giveaways just to enter and move on their merry way. Troll is a harsh word, and I mean to use it. Spamming blogs for giveaways is so far from the spirit of blogging that it hurts my heart. It takes the privilege of blogging and leaving a comment on someone else's blog down a notch to more general internet fodder. I've seen a few friends leaving spam blog giveaway comments on facebook, and I noticed it in spades here. Easy to find - just google their email address and the search results pop up with the email address as a comment on blog giveaway after blog giveaway. I almost fell for spamming giveaways myself when I was offered this sweet giveaway of my own - I googled a few giveaways and entered so I could win my own Shabby Apple gift card. The friends I've seen spamming blog giveaways on facebook aren't malicious friends, and I believe they are doing it innocently enough, as I was, but being on the other side and seeing how far removed spamming giveaways with comments is from the spirit of blogging, I'm sad I got caught up, even for a moment.

That being said, and to end on a high note, I am loving these giveaways! I have been approached to do a few reviews and/or sponsored posts for products I haven't heard of and wouldn't support if I had and have turned each one down. Hearing from Shabby Apple was a delight and a win-win - my readers got to hear about a product I LOVE, got a chance to win a gift card to said store, and I'm crossing fingers I discovered some fabulous new readers :) !


Teagan B. Sawyer said...

Yay!!! So excited. Thank you girlie :) And I had NO idea these things happened (the whole trolling thing) so thanks for sharing that important info. As always I get inspired and learn a lot by your blog. Miss you. Oh I need to email you about the fall hopefully I can sneak down to Austin during my trip to Dallas! xoxo

That Chelsea Girl™ said...

I know what you mean about having the freedom of not being tied down to recording every thought & moment for your blog...take care, lovely!


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