Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's Day...

to all you beautiful mothers out there! I hope your day was as fabulous as mine or more so.

I woke up to a whisper in my ear, "It's May 11. Happy Mother's Day, Mom!" from my Shawners. Shawners had come home from school on Thursday with loads of handmade presents for me - a pink and green wooden tulip, a paper plate sunflower, a perfumed giant tissue paper flower, a beaded sign that says MOM, and my favorite a fill-in-the-blanks of why I am special - apparently I am as pretty as a butterfly. I showed Justinbustin the special sheet and told him if he could make one of those for me that would be the best Mother's Day present ever from him. So he wrote me a poem. A beautiful poem where I rock.

The four of us made it to church late, and decided we'd sit outside in the beautiful courtyard and visit with friends and family any way. Turns out we met a girl who asked Brando to be a second shooter at a wedding she's shooting in July. Exciting! 

Other friends at church told us about Shakespeare in the Park playing that afternoon at the neatest Zilker Hillside Theatre where the seating is a gradually banked hill with the stage at the bottom. We changed our lunch plans to down the street from the theatre at one of our favorite places, P. Terry's, grabbed a quick lunch and went to find our spot. Justinbustin is fascinated with these things and wanted to sit up close so I sat with him and Shawners and Brando climbed trees in the background and then eventually went to sit with our friends in the shade. What a beautiful and LONG performance! I am absolutely amazed and enthralled by any type of culture outside of my own. Shakespeare is so much of our culture that I think I enjoyed the Bengali performance we went to a few weeks ago (think Monsoon Wedding and Bride and Prejudice in person) a little bit more. However, I had never seen or read a complete Shakespearean play before (unless you count 10 Things I Hate About You, which I don't think really counts) so this was completely amazing to me. I was surprised at how witty and comedic his writing is!

Given the play was an incredible two and a half hours long the last few hours of the afternoon we spent looking for a bike for Justinbustin's birthday, but with no luck, headed home and relaxed for the evening. A perfect Mother's Day.


California Girl said...

Aw, sounds nice! Happy Mother's Day!

a tall sassy gal said...

Happy Mother's Day. Sounds perfect.

Stace said...

Yeah for plays in the park, that just sounds so interesting.

Anonymous said...

Happy mother's day to you!!!

h*dizzle said...

you should def head over to zilker park..its gorgeous!!!! esp this time of year with all the only if the sun will come out!

i responded to your 20somthing blog ..i know sometimes that can be shady form of communication so i included my email!

keep me posted =)

Anonymous said...

Happy mother's day, sweetie. It sounds so wonderful! I love how you record the stories of your family. And the activities you guys do... I need to seriously get more creative!


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