Monday, November 28, 2005


Hubby and I were just talking to BG yesterday about the fact that he probably would be losing teeth soon. He was stuffing a piece of trash into a dinosaurs mouth so you couldn't see it and we were telling him about how Oma had given Daddy twenty dollars one time when he had to have a tooth pulled and she had made it super tiny and stuffed it into a super tiny tooth box.

This morning he comes into my room and says, "I'm losing my first tooth!" Sure enough his right bottom tooth is wiggling back and forth.

BG has a first tooth pillow to put his tooth in they must've been looking for as a few minutes later I walked by their room and hear LG saying, "Oooh MAN. I can't find your pocket with a pillow BG."


Allison said...

Aww, I LOVED losing teeth when I was little because there was always a little monetary surprise waiting for me. And I NEVER woke up when the tooth fairy would visit! That just amazed me!

I do remember one time when I had to have some teeth pulled at the dentist and I was SO worried that I wasnt going to get a visit from the tooth fairy because the dentist pulled them. hehe


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