After much trial and error, Allison finally got here Friday night and we proceeded to have a weekend packed full of fun, girlie time, going out, and relaxing. Saturday we had crepes for breakfast, then went to Justinb's game. Afterwards we dropped the kids off with Brando for the weekend, and laid out by the pool with limeade and vodka for a much needed catch up session. After the pool we took our time getting ready to go out, with Lady GaGa and Britney to help us along. Headed downtown, we took our time finding somewhere to eat. Okay, really, we drove around trying to find places to eat.
First we checked out SoCo and decided against mexican at Guero's, but it was fun to show Allison the shopping along South Congress that we'll do another weekend.
After driving around looking for places on our own, I decided to call Kels, who recommended a sushi place at 4th and Colorado. We ended up here at Maiko, which she actually had never heard of, but it was trendy and fun and delicious. It was perfect!
We ordered our rolls. I went with the safe, cooked shrimp version, and Allison got the real sushi versions. She convinced me to try hers saying it was one of the best she'd had. I ended up trying all three and loving them way better than what I ordered! Yay!
Maiko was so trendy, with such a fun interior. I can't wait to go back again with my girls or Brando!
After sushi we headed to Qua, in the warehouse district, where there is a shark tank underneath the dance floor. I'd heard about it and thought it would be the perfect place to try. It was strange standing on the floor and feeling it shake to the beat with SHARKS underneath, but we got used to it and had a blast.
That's the shark tank I'm standing on.
We tried so hard to get the angle right on these mirrors. It sort of worked.
I hate when I hand somebody the camera and they make it blurry! Oh, well, it's cute any way!
Sunday morning we had strawberry crepes with powdered sugar and whip cream for breakfast. Oh, and my little camera officially flew the coop on me as you can see. Saturday we'd had Nutella and banana crepes, and blackberry jam crepes. The strawberry ones were the best. Somehow the champagne I bought never made it home, so we made virgin mimosas with Izzies and orange juice. They were delicious and totally tasted like the real thing!
After breakfast I had to show Allison the Oasis, even though we decided to eat at home. The Oasis is so relaxing and gorgeous to walk around, it didn't even matter that we didn't eat there.
I had to get a picture of Allison's first time at the Oasis.
Our yummy lunch at home on our porch, and the kick off of a three hour long uninterrupted girl talk session. Not that we hadn't constantly been talking the entire time before. How could we not? : )
Enjoying the gorgeous weather on Sunday had to be one of the highlights of the trip. Well, I take it back. It was all highlights. I had such a blast with her, and I am SO glad she came up. We've got several events and otherwise to get together again for over the summer and I can't WAIT!
What a fun weekend! I can tell that I'd like that Maiko place - great interior! And the shark tank thing is very cool. Now I'm craving a N&B crepe!
Ahhh... That was the most perfect weekend ever!
Laura, yes you would! Oh, and I'll make you some next time you come out : ) !
Allison, heck yes it was!
Mmmm, nutella and banana crepe....Mmmm, sushi! Now I'm hungry and it's 8am. What is the oasis?
I will have to try Maiko, and I wish I had known you were at Qua that night too ahh!! And your outfit was super cute!
How fun would that have been to run into each other?Next time!
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