Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy Birthday 5 year old!

Shawners & Batman aka Grandpa

Mr. S, you are 5 today. You are SUCH a big kid in every way but today it is official. You are so sweet, kind, thoughtful, responsible, just, and communicative. You let us know exactly what is on your mind. You're always there for a hug when we need one. You love animals with all of your heart. Today you took your leopard gecko to the zoo with us to celebrate your birthday so he could meet all his friends. Mommy talked about being a veterinarian, a zoologist, or an animal rescuer and you said you will be all of them. Daddy says they are all the same any way so that works. You were sitting behind me right now playing gently with my hair. I got you a comb and now you are combing my hair so softly and sweetly, and you sweetly brushed my hair for ten minutes. It has been such a joy watching you grow into the little man you are today. You blow us away with your wisdom at your age. You are our little man and always will be and it is an honor to be able to watch you grow into the man that you already are.

PS Now that you are 5 you have announced to us that you can wipe your own popo! Whew! But seriously I will miss the adorabley sweet question that you ask every. single. time. before you go, "Mommy and Daddy will you wipe my popo when I'm doing going poopoo?" and the cute little popo that's up in the air waiting for us when we go to help you out.

Tonight as you were going to bed you said, "When I get big I will be Daddy and somebody will have to do what I say. Because I will be big."

Then Grandma told you "Goodnight Shawners. Happy birthday." and you said, "Happy Birthday to you too."


Alyssa said...

Happy Birthday to a cute little five year old!

Anonymous said...

Awww Happy Birthday little guy!! I always giggle at his popo question, you've posted that before and it's just hilarious! What a great picture of him & his Grandpa.


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