Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Family Night
Brando got home from work early today to study at home. I took off when he got here to pick up the boys from school and when we got home the boys got out their bikes and scooters, I put on my work out clothes and we headed up to the gym and basketball court so the kids could play while we worked out. We ran/rode/walked/scootered up there - all five of us - Brownie too, then worked out/played basketball/watched animal planet and emeril for a good two and a half hours before we headed back home. Once home I ran to the grocery store for salad fixings, hamburger meat for spaghetti sauce, and ice cream, then got back and made a yummy dinner of spaghetti and salad. Then the boys settled in for a few minutes of Iron Giant while Brando and I took a shower. Now the boys are off to bed and we'll catch up on any shows that might have been put online in the last day and have our ice cream. Nights like these are like rainbows after a rainy day.
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family fun
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