Thursday, December 21, 2006


I swear I didn't dissappear! Things have been really quiet around here with J on break from school, the Christmas parties over, and everything else on break as well, and we've been enjoying every moment.


my life is brilliant said...

Things have been quiet? Good! I hope you enjoy your break and slow-down. :)

a tall sassy gal said...

I havent stopped moving that is why I haven't had time to post. I will not stop moving till after New Years. :) Have a merry chirstmas.

Cecilia said...

Enjoy every bit of it. TIme flies by so fast. I'm doing likewise with my angelic little nephew here at home. Auntie's moving away again in January!

Happy Holidays, sweetie!!!

Courtney said...

:) I totally feel you!! I feel like I haven't been blogging at all lately - things are just super busy at work and super quiet at home... ho hum. Not much to write about.

Glad to hear you are enjoying your holiday season!!!

Anonymous said...



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