We went to sign more papers on the house today. They've broken ground. Scary! Moving down south is a whole other world. I'm hoping the people I've met who live down there I'll be able to develop relationships with, but I'm scared that I won't! I'm also scared I'll lose my friends up here!
The kids school has revamped their math program for next year and I am SO pissed. They are going to be using Saxon math instead of Singapore math, which J adores. I guess we'll wait and see how it goes, but if it ends up being no fun we'll have to figure out something else in that area. Sigh. Really don't want to go the homeschooling route, even in one area, again.
Learning about time management has helped me realize that I can look thru J's syllabus and write down important dates, dates reports are due, and so on in my planner as well as my own important dates and due dates. Which keeps me able to know what's coming. Funny, I always thought people just knew how to plan like that and I just didn't get it, now I'm finding out you actually have to learn this stuff and I am learning it. At least that'll be a big help for his three reports due... sigh!! Nobody ever told me the school world was so full of freakin' papers!!!
We found a FUN new spot in Austin, Twin Falls. It's a completely shaded short hike to the river and once you get there there are several shallow wading areas, several flatish rocks with water flowing over them in the lowest spots that remind me of the tide pools in Cali, and a deep swimming area right in the middle. It's refreshingly beautiful. Only I was jealous of the party next to us who brought a full bar in their cooler. Mmm. The kids had an absolute blast, and despite her carsickness we brought Brownie and took the straight driving route just for her.
Sorry for the randomness of my posts lately! I am pretty sure we haven't taken a single picture in four weeks as we have been too busy going from one place to the next. On top of that, I haven't been able to sit down long enough to rehash more than what immediately pops in my mind. Maybe I should start taking notes when I think of things to write about when I'm not near my computer. Hmmm.
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