Because Laura tagged me way too long ago and because I really want to post something and have no desire to post about the crazy busyness of my life right now. It's good, I just want to relish it instead of writing about it : ) .
A - Attached or Single: I'm attached. Sometimes against my will, sometimes not. It's the only attachment I would want though!
B - Best Friend: I've known my BFF since we were six. I grew up with her. She knows every in and out of every aspect of my childhood, me, my life. I call for the stuff that only she will really get about me, and I call her for the really big decisions (like getting married, and having a second baby...). In the present my sistah is KelBel!!!!!!! Speaking of childhood, this girl has almost the exact same in so many aspects yet completely different in others. We meld like margaritas and sunshine. She's my twinkie.
C - Cake or Pie: Cake... and preferably chocolate with a raspberry filling or angel food cake with fresh strawberries and whipe cream. Ewwww I can't stand pie! I'll eat it sometimes but I leave the crust unless I make it.
D - Drink of Choice: Water is my first choice, but occasionally I'll drink a Starbucks frappucino in the glass bottle, or iced tea (hence my current fascination with wanting to whiten my teeth).
E - Essential Item: My makeup goes with me anywhere I go that is further than half an hour from my home. Duh! Oh specifically an essential? I'd have to say it's the new Lorac tinted moisturizer I've just discovered. Goes on soooo smooth and actually looks like my skin, not something caked on.
F - Favorite Color: I heart sage green. That's been my favorite for awhile and it's about to go out the door in favor of a turqouise blue or some flavor of pink, but for now it remains.
G - Gummi Bears or Worms: I love anything gummi!!
H - Hometown: Santa Cruz, California. A hard hometown to get over - it's just SO beautiful and nowhere compares. Unfortunently it also is one most expensive places to live in the US.
I – Indulgence(s): Sunshine. I really need to get better about it. Chocolate. Because it's that time. Ice cream. It's my calcium.
J - January or July: July. Summer all the way!! Although if I were to have my say it would be March and November when the weather changes and flowers are in bloom or the leaves are falling.
K - Kids: 2. More than enough. For now.
L - Life is incomplete without: God. My hubby. My kids. The gorgeousness of nature - the ocean, the sunsets, the flowers, the mountains, the hills. How's that for sentimental I just threw up a little in my mouth sweetness? Seriously other than that - fashion, makeup, decorating, I just love the beauty and wonder and evolvement of it all.
M - Marriage Date: Six and a half years ago.
N - Number of Siblings: Three, plus two brother in-laws, one sis-in-law, one ex bro-in-law, one ex sis-in-law, and one soon to be sis-in law and possibly a soon to be bro-in-law. I just realized I only have one brother-in-law on my side of the family at this point.
O - Oranges or Apples: Both. In a fruit salad.
P - Phobias/Fears: Spiders. Elevators. Not getting the daisies to my kid's last day of school festival that I was supposed to get two days ago but ended up sending my hubby out this morning to get them. Seriously I woke up five times during the night thinking about it and was dreaming about it the rest of the time.
Q - Favorite Quote: My new one that I've actually memorized? Relish in the small stuff, sometimes it's all that you've got.
R - Reason to smile: Me! Yeah, I'm working on that.
S - Season: Oh this is my chance - spring and fall, spring and fall!
T- Tag Three: Girl, Allison, and Kimberly
U - Unknown Fact About Me: That's a toughie. I usually spill all my guts out here. Umm how about I was married when I had my baby boy at 17, met my hubbers at 18, and married at 19? That's not really unknown if you do the math. What about - I stood Brando up on our first date.
V - Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals: Never really thought about it as oppressor of animals... I really don't eat that much meat. I used to be a steak and potatoes lover but that has changed to chicken and salad.
W - Worst Habit: Being on the computer WAYYYYYY too much. For me. I'm really not obsessed. Can you see the stage of denial?
X - X-rays or Ultrasounds: Huh? I just don't get this question. Honestly I think an X-ray is cooler to look at - you can actually see stuff. But if it's being given to me an ultrasound all the way! Especially if it's when I was pregnant and 3D.
Y - Your Favorite Foods: Salad - any kind. Ice cream. Chocolate. Tomatoes, cucumber, fresh mozzarella, herbed bread, in any combination of the above. Fruit salad when it's fresh and done well with berries! I'm making myself hungry.
Z- Zodiac: Cancer. No idea what that is supposed to mean though.
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