Anybody familiar with Google Followers and Google Friend Connect? They both seem a bit quirky to me, but I'd love to figure out how to use them. From what I can see, Google Followers allows you to follow a blog. As I add all my subscriptions through Google Reader, though, I don't understand if following someone through Google Follower translates to a reader at any point, or you just end up having a list of blogs you're interested in. The other part I can't figure out is how to make sure your site is linked when you click on your picture when you are just signed up to follow and not part of Google Friend Connect. I LOVE all the followers I have, but for some of them I don't know how to actually get to their blog. When I click on their picture Google shows me the sites they follow but not their own blog. Do you use Google Follower to follow blogs, and, if you do, what are your thoughts on it? By the way, if you follow me and I haven't visited you leave your blog in a comment on this post so I can come say hi!
Google Friend Connect appears to be able to add a friend as you would on facebook. Does anyone use Google Friend Connect? The benefit here seems to be that it accurately lists your own blog link when someone clicks on your picture. However, that appears to be the only benefit. I haven't actually added any friends, yet, though. Perhaps I am missing something.
I found the answer
here, although I am still a bit confused. I did find this bit of information particularly interesting, though:
"Note: Friend connected sites use the terms 'Member' and 'Join' in place of 'Follower' and 'Follow' respectively."
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