The weekend has officially started. Hubby is off to his Guys Night Out. Yes he decided to go - we worked it into the schedule. Ha. Still not happy about it but we figured out why. Friday and Saturday are go out on the town and flirt with the opposite sex night's - not a place for a married person to be without their significant other. At least now we know why we were uncomfortable and can say next time the occassion arises and it's not on 'another' night. I was slightly pissed about it still when the four of them just got here and didn't come out of the bathroom. But S, our little one's namesake, edged his way inside the room to say hi and I had to go give him a hug. He's such a sweetheart. And I wouldn't have named my second child after anybody else. So I put myself in the spotlight and had to say hi to everyone else which melted the ice around my heart that they were taking my Hubby out on a Friday night. It's funny we haven't had to deal with this because we've been so far away from anybody we really know that we would do these things with for so long. It was better that way, though. We're more mature in the way we communicate with each other now and don't lash out and fight like we used to. We just talk and try to figure what the problem really is.
I'll go pick him up in a little while and we'll head out of town from there. Three or four hour drive depending on if we decided to try and get all the way there tonight. *yawn* Pray for wide awake eyes, alert ones, too, please?
On another note I got my cousin a gorgeous bra set at Macy's for her bridal shower. That's one thing I never got, never had the money too, and now am (most of the time) too practical for, but something I would still LOVE, so I got it for her, *ahem* him, along with a yummy red candle. And I got her this gorgeous hand-beaded purse full of all the colors of red with tropical flowers on it. I figure that's what a bridal showers for any way right? It's all about her and I really wanted to emphasis the her part, and not the them, sometimes when you're just married that part seems to get lost in all the bustle.
Well I'm off to clear pictures off the camera, pack it up, fill the car up with gas, and ship out. Maybe I'll stop by for some chocolate. Or Starbucks. Heck the kids and I should have a date. Why not?
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