Friday we had family night at Chili's. I swear, you'd think we lived back in Marble Falls where they were the only decent eating place - I guess it reminds us of home. Catch in the backyard, and a good night's sleep. Saturday we went all out - bike ride to West Cliff, catch in the backyard, and the park, came home to the babysitter and friends we went out to dinner with. Drinks with more friends afterwards. What is it about drinking that just is not appetizing to me anymore? I didn't even have any last night. Two sips of a "Surfer on Acid" a friend we ran into surprised me with and that was it. I think I od'd on Halloween night. Since then just a little bit has made me sick, up during the night, and basically yuck. Sucks because I love a glass of wine with a meal - maybe that's the part I need to be keen on. Any way came home smelling like smoke and exhausted to find out Big Guy had just gone to bed half an hour earlier. Equals tired exhausted kiddo the next day, but he wasn't actually too bad until he broke down at seven in the evening the next day.
Sunday was nice. Church in the morning, and Starbucks afterwards. A leisurely lunch on the back deck while Grandpa played catch with the boys down below. An even more leisurely walk down to the coast to enjoy a $100 lunch (and we didn't eat - go figure) with my parents, who went to town. Merlots (or MerLOTs) as my Dad put it, appetizers galore, desserts even more. Afterwards they headed home and we stayed the next few hours at the beach. Lots of sand, ocean water, buried bodies, and sand buckets.
sounds absolutely perfect!
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