Sunday, January 06, 2008

Quiet Time

The last few days have been spent reflecting on what life means to me right now. In light of my Grandpa passing away I've thought a lot more about family and being near them. We're going to California to visit family in February for a short trip, and hopefully again in March, as a result. I've also thought a lot about living near them again (or within a shorter driving distance so we could be in a place where we could still afford to live) or living somewhere here that is open and inviting to family visiting us (i.e. has a guest room). I've also thought a lot about how I treat the people and relationships in my life. Most of us wonder these things when somebody dies I guess, only it hits home a lot harder with someone so close.

I've decided I will make a post on our family blog with pictures I have of Grandpa Rudy, Grandma, the kids, and I, and let the story tell itself. The kids will be able to see how much he loved being with them and what a fun guy he was when they're older. For now, all they need to know is he died, and he is no longer physically with us.


Anonymous said...

I am so sad for you. It is so unbelievably painful to lose someone so close to you, and I can't imagine having to explain it to your kiddos. I still cry about losing my grandma in 2006. I try to cherish her memory every second, but it doesn't really ease the pain. So I'm not going to say any profound words of wisdom to attempt to ease yours. Just know that you guys are in my prayers and I love you.

Blonde Features said...

My grandma died last may. She was the first real family member that I knew and was close to that passed away. I still don't think i have been able to react, as if next time I go to my grandparents house she will be there. It is hard but the reflection that it causes on your own life is very important as it becomes clear how precious life really is and to make the most of every moment. I am so sorry for your loss.


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