Wednesday, July 05, 2006


I STILL don't have my computer back. I've been using hubby's to blog. My social life is pretty much nonexistent right now as a result. The phone is hardly ever used for me, because put quite simply I usually have two very noisy children in the background. When hubby gets home and I can actually use the computer I usually have about 5 minutes before we do the whole night time routine. After that we put a movie in and eat ice cream and fold laundry and at that point my mind is too spent to do emails, so instead I've been spending lots and lots of quality time with my kids. Not a bad thing and really it's the perfect time. They've been really needing it lately because I have been out so much - granted with them most of the time, but still out. Just frustrating because it's summer, a few of the girls I know have the perfect schedules to get together right now and might not in the near future. Sigh. I'm getting over it though and just enjoying chess club, rollerblading, working out, playing basketball, and going to the pool with my kiddos : ) . That and trying to figure out how to plan things via the phone that actually end up happening. I need the visual, this time, this day, and this place you get from email. Get togethers planned via the phone end up not working a good percentage of the time for some reason or another, unless it's last minute which I'm not too great at.


girl from florida said...

Two of my friends (married) recently went on vacation together and said it was so liberating to not have their computers. They said it was the first week they totally focused on each other and God and it was amazing! We were thinking of trying that soon. They also didn't have TVs or phones so made it all about the family. I can't remember the last time I did that (Well, when I was in Honduras, but my family wasn't there)


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