Saturday, February 17, 2007

Valentine's Day Hangover

I guess Valentine's Day sent me into a tizzy it was so wonderful! Hehe. Brando took me to our favorite restaurant North by Northwest. They have literally the best food in Austin or pretty much anywhere. And free valet parking. Can't beat that. I dressed up in my pretty new dress and we shared our favorite appetizers - roasted garlic and goat cheese on the softest bread ever and beer batter onion rings, the best onion rings I've ever had and our favorite meal marinated pork, spiced red cabbage, and wasabi mashed potatoes. Yum. Normally I hate pork and will not eat, but the wasabi mashed potatoes are out of this world and go perfectly with the delicious pork that only THEY can make. Brando ordered their beer sampler which is six different small glasses of the six different kinds of beers they offer, including a cherry red Valentine's beer. So pretty and my favorite! Brando mentioned renting my favorite movie ever, Sabrina, and going home to watch it with a great big brownie sundae in our bed. I had thought about watching it earlier just because it is SUCH a romantic movie but didn't wanted to spoil the night he planned by mentioning it. I love being on the same page with him! So that's what we did. Rented Sabrina and had a great big brownie sundae in bed.

Since then, on top of all the clothes my MIL bought for me in California (did I mention she took me on a shopping spree? wheeeee) my Bible study leader from last semester emailed me and asked if I'd like a bunch of sweaters she was giving away. She is SUPER cute and tiny and I love her style. And she works at Banana Republic! Of course I emailed her right away and said yes. She had two HUGE boxes of sweaters for me (plus some skirts!) to go through. SO much fun! I took it all home and went through it all and kept one box and have another box to give to my sister. They are all Ann Taylor, Ann Taylor Loft, Gap, Banana Republic, American Eagle, and even one white angora sweater with an angora fur lined hood that I absolutely adore. That one I wore to Kel's house and she LOOOVED it. I told her she has to take it to California with her next week when she goes to South Cali for a business convention. After all she did supply my entire wardrobe for California, up until my mil took us shopping. I used all her earrings for the trip as well. Love them!! I came back here and pierced my second hole and started my own earring wardrobe. Yay! Now I have my own super cute earrings and some new fun necklaces to boot : ) .

Speaking of Kel's... the boys and I spent the night at her house last night and got to cuddle her TWELVE PUPPIES that her girl doggie birthed yesterday!!!!!! Sooooo cute. She has Australian Shepherds she breeds and this is the momma's fifth and last litter. So glad we get to enjoy them!! Her hubby is out of town so we jumped on the opportunity to do a girl's night. We drank wine and ate chocolate, took pictures with puppies, watched movies, and talked til' 3am in the morning. SO much fun! We woke up this morning played with makeup, held the puppies some more, made cheesey eggs, turkey bacon, and fried potatoes. She took off to pick up her hubs from the airport and I took off to meet my hubs after HIS night out at his friend's house playing the Nintendo Wii until 4am in the morning. He's so sweet. He came home and picked up Brownie so she could go with him.

This afternoon I went with a friend to the mall with a coupon I had for Express and came away with FREE earrings and a velvet jewelry bag. We stopped by Macy's and she scored two five dollar shirts. We made a few more stops and we were out of there.

I came home to the boys playing their Xbox 360 that Brando's Mom got us when we were in Cali and we sat around and chilled while I uploaded pictures. We just ate dinner and we're running back out for some errands and then bed.

Such a long post, but what an absolute blast filled few days!


Kimberly, John, and Buster(our dog) said...

Sounds like fun; so happy that you Valentine's day was great! Red beer sounds interesting. Congrats on the clothes, it is always nice getting clothes! A girls best friend:)

a tall sassy gal said...

Glad it was great Valentine "week" for you!!

Anonymous said...

FUN!!!!!!! Love love love it!

my life is brilliant said...

I've never seen Sabrina. It sounds right up my alley. I'll have to watch it!


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