Monday, January 29, 2007

Fun Stuff

Such a good, relaxing day we had yesterday. Church, lunch at the Cheesecake Factory -mmmm!, then the boys and Brando hung out at the game store and played the Nintendo Wii hehe, and I hung out in the bookstore and read half a book before I bought it - the one I mentioned in the previous post. Small group that night which was AWESOME. We have a great guy teaching our class right now and we were discussing what he talked about on marriage last Sunday. It really makes me feel connected when we talk about something we all heard the same thing on and everyone shares their different views.

Today the boys and I did school on a schedule. We woke up two hours past when it was supposed to start but we used the time frame for each activity and it kept things going much better. We did a lot more in a lot less. On top of that I had the timer to remind Justinbustin and myself to get it done. Brando came home early so I could head to the library by myself sooo nice. I'm so getting over the guilt trip of leaving my kids to do things by myself. It helped this time they wanted to stay.



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