Saturday, June 06, 2009
What to do
Totally at a loss as to what to do over the summer. I officially lost my summer gig I had going for this month which would be the paycheck that would be carrying me through RIGHT NOW and the next few weeks. Looking back I'm thinking it's silly that I didn't have something else lined up, but really it's not. This was a solid job I did ALL YEAR that was going to leak into the summer. I had no reason to believe it wasn't going to happen. Turns out twelve of the separate days I had committed to AREN'T GOING TO HAPPEN. Which leaves me slightly pissed that I wasn't told until the day of or week before on each of them, especially when I'd already made the commitment. The job had never been like this before otherwise I wouldn't have stuck with it!! I'm totally up shite creek right now. I sure hope the next few things I do I can sneak some vodka into my water, because that's the way I'm going to roll. I'll figure it all out next week, but in the meantime, I don't have two dimes to rub together. Actually, I do. I have a bucket of change. Maybe I'll raid that.
Posted In
all business,
in the interest of money
awwwww :(
im sorry to hear that lady...but you seem like a very resourceful and determined i'm sure you will find something sooner than later...definitely!
Thanks, Jillian. I totally am. Unfortunately I really had my mind set this was happening so I feel like I'm a little bit in a whirlwind right now!!!
They really should have given you more warning. That once happened to me with a nanny job, and I had to hurry up and find something else in like two days - not easy! I'm going to pray for you, because God WILL provide if we ask and trust. xo
Thanks, L. It's nice knowing it wasn't just me that's happened to!! I kind of dropped the whole nanny thing after this situation and am going to pursue what I did last summer. That was fun, except for two jobs I did, and I can request to not do those!
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