Thursday, January 19, 2006


Is it sad to think of singing success when your children don't tell you to stop singing? Though in my defense I have heard Mom's who do have beautiful voices that their kids do this any way, or some version of it, i.e. the eye roll, Mom so and so sings better than you (that one would break me!), that kind of stuff : ) .

Learning this song for the kiddos at our next homeschool group, Gung Fat Hay Choy . We're doing a Chinese New Year Party!

Did I mention I cannot STAND to sing in front of other people? Yeah I committed to doing this song with temporary forgetfulness of that fact. So that is why I am working so hard on it : ) . It's only this last year or two I've started to sing in church... where nobody can hear me. I've recently confided in one friend how hard that area is for me and she is going to try to teach me. Her voice is beautiful and I had no idea until a few years ago. I would love to sing with that confidence.



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