Monday, September 18, 2006

Money Schmuney

Wow I never thought I'd be saying this again but we really have none of that good stuff. We do have some but it goes right back out the door it came in. As Brando says if it's not coming in that door it doesn't have a door to go out of. We've been talking about money lately. Brando has always taken care of it and I just sit back and spend it. Limited of course, but without too much thought.

Our class has been on the subject of Sex, Money, and In Laws. This last week it was Money and they were talking about how both partners need to be make decisions together and know what's going on. We haven't done this in soooooo long it's embarrasing. The worst part is I didn't even realize it. I knew we weren't keeping track of things in Quicken, but I thought surely Brando was going online and checking the debit and credit cards occasionally. Nope. Nada. Zilch.

Looking at money today was a VERY rude awakening. Yes we have a lot more going out than we've ever had, and yes we have a lot more coming in in one check than we've ever had, but the problem is those checks have just started coming and there's no guarantee they'll keep coming unless Brando keeps working his butt off. Duh. So in the meantime it's back to penny pinching and figuring out where we can cut corners and figuring out how to refinance the house so maybe we can consolidate some of our way too much for our age debt. Oh what's that? Two kids more than the average for our age? Minor detail. Right.

Anywho not a sunny outlook but the storm will pass. I have to say as My Fairytale Life (found through s) says, thanks for reading my negative crap lately. I've tried so hard to write the positive because there really IS a lot around but there's still the hard stuff. It feels like there's positive then a big fat negative, then a positive, then a big fat negative. As much as I wish it away it doesn't go away. It helps to write about it.



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